Integrated LIFE project
The Integrated LIFE project for the Natura 2000 network in the Czech Republic, called One Nature, contributes to the conservation of biodiversity and the promotion of ecosystem services in the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network. Thanks to more efficient management planning, research and using its results in practice also thanks to a good cooperation with land owners and land users located in protected areas, the project helps to ensure the most suitable management and, above all, to preserve these valuable sites for the benefit of nature and people in the future.
Thanks to the project budget of almost CZK 500 million, where 60% is funded by the European Union through the LIFE Programme, a more efficient system of Natura 2000 sites management will be put in place. Appropriate management depends on planning based on the assessment of the target feature’ status development. It is grounded on cooperation with land owners and land users of the protected areas and it effectively uses the new knowledge of the benefits that the natural capital of these sites provides to society and of the costs related to the site management.
The One Nature Project Cycle
The main goal of the project will be accomplished by fulfilling the following objectives:
- Assessment of the status of protected animal and plant species and of natural habitats at individual sites.
- Setting management priorities for the particular species and natural habitats.
- Cooperation with the major land owners and land users.
- Implementation of appropriate measures to maintain or improve the status of communities and species.
- Introduction of a management effectiveness evaluation at selected sites.
- Updating the management plans.
- Assessment of the benefits provided by the protected areas of the Natura 2000 network and of the costs associated with the conservation efforts in these areas.
- Providing examples of good practice in site management.
- Effective use of funding resources available for site management.
- Providing the project outputs to public administration in the form of recommendations for practice.
- Informing the public about the objectives and methods of protected area conservation, its benefits and costs.
The One Nature Project Actions
The One Nature project fulfills a total of 22 actions that are closely related or complementary. They include preparatory, implementation, monitoring, awareness-raising and management activities.
In the first three years (2019 to 2021), a communication strategy is created, training for work with owners and users of land in the protected areas is prepared, methodological preparation of management impact assessments is developed and consultations with those who use the outputs of the evaluation focused on the socio-economic benefits of the Natura 2000 network is organised.
From 2021 until the end of the project in 2025, the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA CZ) will monitor and evaluate the status of target features on the Natura 2000 site level, prioritize active management, work actively with land owners and users of the Natura 2000 sites and carry out management measures in these valuable areas.
At the same time, CzechGlobe, in cooperation with the Charles University Environment Centre and the NCA CZ, will evaluate the socio-economic benefits of the Natura 2000 network, which includes:
- updating the scientific basis for assessing socio-economic effects and ecosystem services resulting from the Natura 2000 network,
- mapping ecosystems in the Czech Republic, including the update of the Consolidated Layer of Ecosystems,
- the ecosystem and economic evaluation of the socio-economic benefits of the Natura 2000 network,
- verification of socio-economic and ecosystem benefits assessment at selected Natura 2000 sites – case studies, and
- evaluation of the overall benefits of Natura 2000.
Throughout the project, all partners will participate in raising awareness of the Natura 2000 network. The NCA CZ will provide training for the staff of nature conservation authorities, taking into account all knowledge gained thanks to the project. Of course, promotion of the project itself will be carried out as well as networking with other projects, i.e. experience and knowledge sharing with various European organizations working in their countries on their own projects funded by the LIFE Programme.
For more information, see the official project website.